Welcome to World of Wedgwood, where creativity and imagination come to life with our delightful Hedgwood and Friends characters!
These enchanting new friends are here to make your little potters' experience even more magical. Each character brings their own unique charm and story, adding a sprinkle of fun and excitement to every visit. Let's meet the stars of Hedgwood and Friends:
Meet Hedgwood
Generous, caring and full of energy, Hedgwood is always busy working on something!
He likes to experiment and to challenge the way things are done. He knows that it can take many attempts before he is happy with the results and likes to remind his friends (and himself) that getting something wrong is a step towards getting it right.
With a keen sense of justice and a knack for improving things, he spends countless hours helping people and trying to change things for the better.
Hedgwood loves gathering his friends together to share a story inspired by the world around them. He is a fantastic storyteller and an attentive listener, keeping his audience entertained by making them feel like they are an important part of the story. His favourite stories come from the life of his hero, Josiah Wedgwood I.
Exploring the World of Wedgwood one night when seeking shelter from a storm changed Hedgwood’s life. The more he read about Wedgwood the more excited he got. He couldn’t believe how similar they were and he decided that he would use his curiosity and love of learning to live an extraordinary life, just like Josiah Wedgwood I.

Meet Sarah the Snowy Owl
Sarah has an infectious laugh and an adventurous spirit. She has spent much of her life travelling and was surprised to find herself so far south after being blown off course during her migration.
The warm welcome that she received from Hedgwood and his friends made her decide to stay for a while instead of carrying on with her journey.
Once she had settled in, it didn’t take long for Sarah to become a pillar of the community. Her extraordinary eyesight and hearing made her the perfect candidate for running the Neighbourwood Watch. Used to the wide-open spaces of her homeland Sarah avoids the trees as much as possible but tries not to let her dislike get in the way of performing her duties.
As a keen chef, Sarah likes to cook family recipes and share them with people who find it difficult to make food for themselves. She teaches geography and oversees the beginner's cricket team. Despite being so busy Sarah still makes time to help Hedgwood with his experiments. Her main job is to help Hedgwood to record his findings.
Sarah loves to write and completes an entry in her journal at the end of every day.

Meet Lady Eliza
Lady Eliza can usually be found with a pencil in her hand. Confident and creative, she is fascinated by intricate and beautiful things. During the day she lets her artistic mood determine how she will spend her time. She might sit for hours to perfect a copy of a pretty design that has caught her eye or she may roam around the local area looking for inspiration.
Her burrow is tastefully furnished in the latest style and she never turns down the opportunity to learn about changing fashions. She enjoys sharing her knowledge with others and doesn’t ask for anything in return.
At 4 pm every day she returns to her burrow and fills her most precious teapot. Alone or with friends, she sits down to some delicious treats before taking a walk in the woods. This time of day is important to her and she doesn’t like it if something gets in the way of her afternoon tea ritual! As she and Sarah share a similar sense of humour they often take tea together while discussing the goings on in the woods.

Meet Percy Potter the Otter
Percy is a mischievous young man who loves to joke with his friends. He is a hard worker and knows when he can play around and when he needs to knuckle down to his work.
He is proud to have started a pottery apprenticeship where he will learn a wide variety of skills. He will be the 5th generation of potter in his family and although he will be taught by the best potters in the area he sometimes worries that he won’t be able to live up to his family’s expectations. He takes pleasure in learning new techniques and knows that he is improving all the time.
Lady Eliza is Percy’s best friend and biggest fan. When he is feeling a little overwhelmed he always turns to her for support. She gives him lots of tips on what is fashionable in the homes of the creatures of Hem Heath Woods and beyond. They enjoy going on trips together looking for beautiful things. Barlaston Hall is one of their favourite destinations. With wonderful views, meadows and a grand house to explore they always find something to inspire their creativity.

Meet Darwin the Dormouse
Friendly and outgoing, Darwin is full of teasing humour. He is curious about everything and always questions things that he doesn’t understand. He likes to know how the world works and can become so engrossed in an idea that no-one sees him for days.
Thanks to his extensive reading and wide ranging interests, Darwin has become affectionately known as the walking encyclopaedia. He loves to use his knowledge in practical ways.
By watching the clouds Darwin has worked out how the different types affect the weather. If he is carrying an umbrella his neighbours know that they need one too! Darwin is a keen gardener and knows a lot about plants and how to use them. He has combined this with his weather watching to manage a flourishing garden which provides a steady source of herbs and spices.
Darwin and Hedgwood meet often to talk about their latest ideas and inventions. Their other friends know not to interrupt them when they are deep in one of their discussions. Bouncing ideas off each other often leads to one or other of them making a breakthrough in their work. They encourage each other and their friendship makes them both achieve more than they would working alone

Hedgwood and Friends biographies authored by Kathy Tallentire
Hedgwood and Friends characters illustrated by Orla Fielder (@OrlaHopeArt)